Tutoring Services
Every child has the capacity to learn.
I am here to help unlock their potential.
Tutoring Services
I create personalized tutoring learning plans for each child based on his or her individual needs and educational goals.
Each 30 or 60-minute personal tutoring session is customized for your child’s learning style and curriculum. Sessions are available at my in-home classroom.
Subjects Taught
Learning Contract
Please be mindful of proper notification of needing to reschedule or cancel appointments. Learning with Lyss requires a minimum of 24-hour notice prior to moving or canceling appointments. All families are required to sign and submit the Tutoring Contract found at the link below.
Alyssa has been tutoring our son since JK. At first we initially started seeing Alyssa just to be sure he was prepared for grade one, but very quickly we saw the benefit to having Alyssa in our lives, and we could never have imagined the progress we would see. Our son reads far beyond the average second grader, and that is because of Alyssa. Alyssa is patient, kind and most importantly caring. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Alyssa to anyone, and I can’t wait for her to start working her magic with our daughter!
“I have to tell you that we are so appreciative of your work with her. Along with her father and I, we have noticed a huge difference in her knowledge of some numbers and her willingness to even try or do her math work. She is so much more excited and confident.”